Change Your World Travel Grant
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The Overland Expo Foundation is taking applications to fund travels that go beyond and above the average overland journey.
This grant honors the founders of Overland Expo, Roseann and Jonathan Hanson, for they encouraged the original Change Your World Fund grantees as well as all participants at the show to get out of their comfort zone, travel internationally, and make a difference in the world.
- Encouraging people to explore and give back throughout their overland journeys
- Building international cooperation or greater understanding of other cultures
- Must be an international journey
- Must be traveling continuously for longer than two months
- Have a stewardship component to the journey
- Must be actively sharing your preparation and journey through at least one social media platform (Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube)
- Be willing to complete an editorial piece for the Compass upon return from your journey
Currently considering amounts up to $5,000. Please provide a budget to back up the amount you are asking.
Currently accepting applications from January 1 – December 6, 2024.
All applications will be reviewed, and applicants will be notified of their status within 30 days.

Travelers supported to date

Jess Stone and Go RUFFLY Around the World
Jess Stone, along with her husband, Greg, and Moxie, their 75-pound German Shepard, is riding around the world. Her motorcycle is a 2013 BMW G650GS
In 2016, the Change Your World Fund was established to honor the memory of Alistair Farland (1990–2014) by Overland Expo’s founders Roseann and Jonathan Hanson.
Alistair had attended Overland Expo East in 2014, and within those three days, he left an imprint on those who met him that would last beyond his lifetime. Only a few months into his overland motorcycle journey exploring the Americas, he had made dozens of friends and inspired many to think beyond themselves. Although he died in an accident in late 2014, his passion and inspiration did not. (Read more about Alistair here.)
Alistair believed in the power of exploration to change things. He wanted to inspire his generation to explore their world and impact their society. He believed that “pushing yourself out of your comfort zone” is one of the keys to life.
From 2016–2021, in collaboration with the Farland family, the Change Your World Fund supported young travelers like Alistair whose overland journeys and projects go beyond the “me” and seek out strangers and challenges.
In 2022, the Overland Expo Foundation picked up the mantle of the Change Your World Fund. The Foundation will honor the work of the Hansons and continue to support ambitious travelers who want to make a difference in the world with the Change Your World Travel Grant.
Change Your World Fund Legacy




Passion for exploration
About Roseann & Jonathan Hanson

For nearly 40 years, the Hansons have worked together around the globe as writers, photographers, artists, naturalists, conservation leaders, and explorers. Because of their passion for do-it-yourself travel, in 2009, they founded Overland Expo to help other people realize their dreams of self-sufficient travel near and far. Concurrent with Overland Expo, they founded, a charity dedicated to promoting exploration of the world and conservation of its natural and cultural heritage. A portion of proceeds from Overland Expo supported ConserVentures’ programs.
For ten years, together with a dedicated team of fellow explorers, they built Overland Expo into the premier adventure travel event in the world, featuring hundreds of hours of overland adventure education taught by the world’s leading experts in their fields, complemented by a huge trade expo for vehicles, motorcycles, and accessories.
“We love inspiring people to stop dreaming and to just get going exploring the amazing planet,” explained Roseann. “It’s been our privilege to help thousands of people from all over the world get trained, get outfitted, and then get going. Many come back and share their travels with us and other attendees, paying forward the passion for exploration.”
One of those people was 24-year-old Australian motorcycle adventurer Alistair McFarland, who came to the 2014 Overland Expo East as an instructor. He was on his way from Alaska to Ushuaia, sharing his experiences and passion along the way. One of his biggest passions was to inspire others to give back as they travel—to make a difference whether to raise funds for people in need or for endangered wildlife or wild places.
Although Alistair died shortly after leaving the Expo, his inspiration lives on through the Change Your World Fund, which the Hansons started in collaboration with Alistair’s family. Since 2016, the fund has supported five impressive travelers who have made a huge impact on the world (link to stories).
In 2018, the Hansons sold Overland Expo to Lodestone Events. They continue to be involved as instructors and are honored that the Overland Expo Foundation will be absorbing the Change Your World Fund and continuing its important legacy.
They continue to travel the world and share their stories through books and art on their website,