Fox Bravo Overland (FBO) is an off-road/overland adventure team consisting of U.S. military and law enforcement veterans who aggressively tackle long distance off-road challenges in their four-wheel drive vehicles. A $5,000 grant provided by the Overland Expo Foundation helped enable 26 veterans and first responders to participate in team based overland travel and adventure while re-engaging with other veterans, experiencing camaraderie, teamwork, mission focus, mental and physical challenges.
Operation Southwestern Spirit was a 10-day overland adventure in New Mexico and Colorado consisting of military veterans/first responders from the US Army, Navy and Marine Corps, federal law enforcement, the fire service, the New Zealand Army, the British Army and British law enforcement. Many suffer from Post Traumatic Stress (PTS); many have physical disabilities due to their service. After leaving service, either voluntarily or due to injury or illness, many do not reconnect with their community.
FBO reaches out and encourages teammates to participate in their trips to help re-establish community and hope. Post trip surveys are full of positive feedback and hope for the participants.