The Overland Expo Foundation is proud to announce the awarding of a $15,000 to Tread Lightly! for their Tread Lightly! Overland Expo Foundation Stewardship Projects. The project’s locations will come from ideas from the overland community. They want to hear from you! Do you have a local outdoor recreation space that needs some TLC? Let us know by April 19th and your local area could be selected. Complete the short application: Stewardship Projects Application
ABOUT Tread Lightly!
Tread Lightly! is a non-profit organization that leads a national initiative to promote the responsible use of motorized vehicles when recreating outdoors. Our goal is to balance the off-road and off-highway vehicle (OHV) users’ need for adventure with the need to conserve the places where they ride and explore.
They offer a wide range of projects, programs, trainings, and educational materials to promote a responsible outdoor recreation message. Their work includes educating off-road and OHV users on responsible riding practices, reducing the impact on the environment and protecting natural and cultural resources.

The Impact
Each project location will have thousands of OHV participants each year using these public lands. Generations of motorized recreation users can be impacted by keeping these areas open and accessible. Working together, Overland Expo Foundation and Tread Lightly! can help spread responsible, ethical, fun motorized recreational behavior.
Learn more about Tread Lightly!
For more information about about Tread Lightly! and how you can “Do Your Part” visit: