The Overland Expo Foundation is proud to announce the awarding of a $10,000 grant to Rally for Rangers for their Black Hills and Pine Ridge 2024 project. This project aims to support indigenous conservation efforts for the Northern Cheyenne and Oglala-Sioux tribes, as well as the Black Hills National Forest Motorized Trails program. Tribal rangers are chronically underfunded and under-resourced, negatively impacting their ability to protect critical wildlife and other resources on reservation lands. The Black Hills and Pine Ridge Ride will raise funds to purchase much needed equipment and signage.
ABOUT Rally for Rangers
Rally for Rangers is a project of the Mongol Ecology Center (MCE), a 501(c)(3) non-governmental organization based in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and Tucson, Arizona. Their mission is to protect the world’s special places by empowering rangers around the world with new motorcycles and equipment.

The Impact
Maintaining a healthy ecosystem in places like the northern plains and badlands has a positive impact for all travelers, but particularly for those engaged in hunting and fishing activities and overland travel. Poaching harms everyone and equipping tribal rangers with tools to stop poachers is a direct benefit to visitors as well as indigenous communities. Involving the overland community in support of tribal parks and people builds trust and long-term relationships for both communities.
Maintaining public access and quality condition of overland trails like those of the Black Hills National Forest continues a legacy of public lands access for the overlanding community and the American public at large.
Learn more about Rally for Rangers
For more information about Rally for Rangers and their mission to protect the world’s special places visit their website: